Ubuntu + NGINX settings for: wordpress + html5 + nodejs
Step by step:
It is compatible with Ubuntu (tested on 13.04, 13.10, 14.04 and 14.10), Debian (testing line)- but most of the work flow after carefully reading and adjusting can be adapted to any Linux web server installation scenario.
This is a cheat sheet I use every single time for my own purposes, when I'm setting up a production web server. As it is rather not exciting and time consuming task - I have decided to make a small repo with all those boring things as configs and steps - necessary to set things up and running.. without digging through various manuals, wikis, forums.
Usually I use cloud based virtual servers but it should* works just for any working web server based on Ubuntu.
* - Please use your own brain! And don't blindly copy and paste commands to your terminal - for your own safety.
/ (root)
--> /etc
| |
| /etc/nginx
| |
| /etc/nginx/html (for 50.. sites)
| /etc/nginx/sites-available (template configs for websites)
| /etc/nginx/sites-enabled (enabled template configs)
--> /var
/var/www (here are the dragons)